The origin of tv tray table

The table is one of the most important pieces of furniture in society. It has not only been a meeting point for the family to eat or to celebrate parties but also a very important piece of furniture in the history of humanity. Great decisions have always been made around a table. For this reason, we turn to see a little of its history.

The name of the person who invented the “tv tray table” has never been known.
But we know that the original models consisted of two pieces: a metal tray with hooks that hooked to the legs mounted on its bottom and a set of metal tube-shaped legs with rubber on the bottom. They could be opened to hold the tray or folded to store them, which is a good point in favor of gaining popularity. The tray remained attached to the leg support during storage.

Nowadays, TV tray tables are often made from blow molded plastic, as times have changed and construction techniques have changed with them.
It is now common for TV dinner trays to be marketed as "retro" or kitsch items.

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